This is quite the beast of a tome! Really close to, oh, 1300 pages of content. Should be fun. 😂

    Photo of book: Oracle PL/SQL Programming, sixth edition, by Steven Feuerstein with Bill Pribyl. From O'Reilly books.

    I’ve got this weird infatuation with Lisps (clojure, elisp, etc) and enjoy trying to learn more about them. I guess this is the next logical step.

    Book photo: Let Over Lambda, 50 Years of Lisp, by Doug Hoyte

    This Elephant Ear plant and I both feel about the same way, currently.

    Photo of an Elephant Ear plant that has just sagged down slowly. It has edges that are browning.

    This is quite possibly my favorite page from any of our Doctor Seuss books.

    Photo of the last tongue twister in a Doctor Seuss book: "The storm starts when the drops start dropping, When the drops stop dropping, then the storm starts stopping."

    Took the youngest to a playground he’d been asking to go to. I hadn’t realized how cool the shadow of the tree looked when taking the shot.

    Photo of a local school playground. Red and blue jungle gym climbing equipment. The foreground features a windy tree shadow.

    If it’s one thing that I do miss on being keto, it’s tasting the fruits of my labor. Now if only I could get the guts to start my bakery.

    Photo of 16 of my freshly baked worst chocolate chip cookies.

    Slowly but surely getting a 4K personal digital library ripped to storage. :-)

    Photo of 4K Ultra HD casing for the special edition of Oldboy. Featured is an octopus, the arms of the octopus spell out the name, OLDBOY.

    Took this during my noon walk, thought it was a really pleasant looking sidewalk. Made things more enjoyable.

    Photo of a red brick sidewalk, framed by trees and other vegetation.

    Okay, time to stop buying stuff for a bit. This is one of those things where you kick yourself for not getting it a decade ago.

    Photo of "Farscape: The Complete Series, 25th Anniversary Edition" Blu-ray set.

    I didn’t change things much - the uncropped version of this image has been my phone background through many years.

    Image of what I believe to be a cup of coffee with cream, sitting on a dark wooden table. An overhead shot.

    The physical media collection continues its growth!

    Photo of "Event Horizon Limited Edition Ultra 4K Steelbook" and "Batman - The Animated Series Blu-ray"

    A bit of sidewalk spray paint art work on the local path. I can tend to agree with the sentiment sometimes

    Photo of some sidewalk graphitti. Looks like a face, perhaps, a long with the phrase "Fuck It"

    Got the cat a place to scratch around on. Hopefully he uses this as opposed to our walls and floors.

    A photo of my grey and white feline lounging on his new scratching area.

    With all of this talk of blogrolls, methinks I’m gonna need a blogroll of blogrolls. 🤣

    Family puzzle time! This took us far too long, but then we have very little family time to work on things like this.

    Photo of a puzzle featuring a multitude of colorful butterflies. There is an imperfection in the photo in the form of a light glare.

    Not sure which cup this is today, but I’m not a fan of this tiny mug. Cameron’s Coffee Highlander Grog, though, is amazing. ☕

    Photo of the author's coffee mug. The lettering, in a purple font reads (in total): "CHECK 2018 Conference on Higher Education Computing in Kansas, Kansas State University"

    Took quick shot of a poster advertisement for a play of “The Giver” at a local spot. Thought it looked kinda cool.

    Cropped photo of a poster, featuring a painting of a single red apple amidst a group of black and white apples.

    Just a basic self portrait of somebody who knows better than to post self portraits.

    A black and white self portrait of the author.

    I like texture and this is a decent example of such. Just some tree bark.

    Photo of cropped and edited tree bark, black and white

    This sucker is finicky! Oh, any resemblance to a well known character is totally coincidental.

    Photo of a figure built out of a brick building system, in the style of a popular character that can sit in a go cart. Any resemblance to any known character is purely coincidental.Photo of a figure built out of a brick building system, in the style of a popular character that can sit in a go cart. Any resemblance to any known character is purely coincidental.

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